Hey there,

I’m Wendy, an executive leadership coach, entrepreneur, loving wife & mother and unshakable optimist dedicated

to helping

you become the leader you

are meant to be.

On a personal level ,

I’m a wife to Andy and together we have 5 awesome kids and 2 fur babies!

Creating experiences and memories with my family and using my gifts to make a difference in the

world is what lights me up.

How my story began

I have been working in or with corporate America since I was 22 years old, straight out of college.

Most of the first 15 years of my career were in Human Resources.

I was a generalist in all roles, responsible for all aspects of HR within an organization. I have worked in several different industries over the years: manufacturing, service, healthcare and financial.

Over the last 10+ years, my career has been focused on people development.

I’ve been responsible for the internal education and development of employees, and specifically leaders, at all levels.

In October of 2012, my family faced a tragedy.  My 3 children and I lost their father to suicide.

 “ I was already passionate about the value people saw in themselves and understanding their gifts, talents and what they bring to the world, and this tragic experience took it to a much deeper level. “

As I think about this event, I remember and feel the pain I was going through at that time. The guilt of not being able to “save” him, not being able to mend my children’s broken hearts. I remember feeling like a failure in all things and not believing I had much value at the time, and the hurt of not being able to help him see his.

But then, I looked into my children’s eyes, and thought about all of the other people in the world who are hurting and realized I had a choice.

I could be stuck in the pain of the event, or I could use it for the greater good.

My choice became very clear. I am here for a reason, this chapter of my story would be used for the good. It doesn’t mean it’s easy, and it doesn’t mean the pain goes away, but knowing I can help make a difference in the world by sharing my story of perseverance keeps me going. Beauty can come from ashes and I can leave an incredible legacy for others.

More than ever, I wanted to make more of an impact and difference in the world and I was determined to trust that God would lead me to the next step in my career that would help me to do just that.

Life is short, and we each have gifts and talents that we are called to bring to this world.

I had heard coaches like Tony Robbins, and was inspired how he could connect with people in such a way, that they would be able to have a deep level of self-reflection and therefore, new self-awareness around their value and on how they want to show up in life and take action to see real transformation.

I wanted to be able to help people in that same way.

In 2013 my dad had shared a Tony Robbins article with me, and he said,

“ Wendy – you would be great at this. ”

Because of the respect I had for my dad, and knowing how traditional he was when it came to the business world, this was the permission I felt I needed to take the path of becoming a certified coach.

I received my coaching certification from IPEC the end of 2015 and it was a life changing experience.

Since that time, I’ve received my Professional Coaching Certification through the ICF and I’ve spent the last 5+ years diving deep into the art of coaching with leaders at all levels.

As a professional coach, I help high impact leaders who want more out of life, get real about how they are truly showing up in different circumstances, and how that’s serving them and others, overcome barriers and obstacles that are in their way of achieving what they want, and then creating a plan and taking action to ultimately reach their goals.

Sadly, I lost my dad the end of 2019.

The combination of losing my children’s father to suicide then losing my dad unexpectedly, along with not believing either of them  were truly aware of the value they brought to all of us, has inspired me to start my own coaching practice. Life is short, and we each have gifts and talents that we are called to bring to this world.

By doing so, we can make a bigger impact within ourselves, on each other, the world, and leave a lasting legacy - and to me, that’s what life is all about!

“ I had trained all my life to never let my guard down and always be in control so when the opportunity to coach presented itself, I was skeptical. After a few sessions, Wendy's skills and techniques began to move the needle & I began to see the value of coaching.

Her situational approach to introducing concepts and tools had such perfection that I was able to think, rethink, and apply the concepts I was learning to my day to day work. Wendy made me recognize that I am still in control but for the things that matter the most i.e. myself. “

— Vivek Sachdeva

The world needs the conscious leader in you.

Let me help you discover what that looks like.