Taking the leap

Have you ever felt like you are thankful for what you have, and are surviving in life but you just know, that there’s more?

Me too!

I have had this happen to me throughout much of my life and I’m at that point again. Sometimes I wonder if I’m just being selfish, or not grateful enough for what I have.

But, then I remember the God I serve and that he is able to give me abundantly more than I can ever imagine.

As I look back on my life, I can pick out those moments when I could feel that I was being called to something different, and although I was scared, I finally made the decision to take the leap and do it afraid.

How many of you have experienced that same thing?

Then, I’ve experienced the gift in taking that step and doing it afraid and how amazed I was of the outcome. Why do we forget those moments and how they turned out?

Recently, I had another one of those moments where I knew I was being called to start my own coaching practice. I was working for a company making good money, and honestly doing what I love…but there was more. That more isn’t just about having lots of money or having lots of things for me. It was an inner calling, an inner knowing, that God has more for me. More for me to do, more for me to give, more for me to experience, and to live abundantly in all ways.

So, while I was very scared, I knew it was the right next step, and I did it afraid.

I’m 8 months into my own practice now, giving myself space and grace taking one step at a time building my business, and I am so very thankful that I listened to that small voice, and took the leap.

There is so much more to come with this journey – and I know it won’t all be easy, and at the same time, there are many blessings to come.

I fully believe that if we do our part, God will do the rest.

I’m thankful for the people and coaches in my life who create the space for me to realize the possibilities I’m called to, and I’m thankful for the opportunity to provide support and coaching to others and do the same.

Moral of this story – give ourselves the space and grace to step out in faith, do it afraid, and Never Give Up!

So, how do we do that? Good question, and one that isn’t always easy to answer.

Each of us needs to listen to that still, small voice leading us in the direction we are meant to go. I don’t know about you, but quieting my mind and being still aren’t always easy for me. Over the years, I’ve learned different tools and exercises to help me with that.

I’d like to share a couple of them with you so that you might have the opportunity to quiet yourself long enough to “know” that next best step.

As we know, breathing is essential to our life and most of us take it for granted, and many of us, forget to take those deep cleansing breaths.

Breathwork has become an exercise that helps me take control of my body, mind and spirit when I need it. I have learned that it’s important for me to be really intentional about this on a regular basis. Taking a deep breath in to the count of 4, holding our breath for the count of 4, and then exhaling for the count of 8, and repeating that 3-4 times. Next time you are feeling the stress of life in any way, I’d invite you to take some time to just breathe.

The second tool that has helped me, is writing or journaling.

While I haven’t always been consistent in my journaling, I can look back over the years and see the difference it has made for me when I have created the space for me to write down my thoughts and feelings. It’s helped me get my emotions out – no matter what they are, and my thoughts – even if they are thoughts I wouldn’t want anyone else to hear.

For me, writing is cathartic, and again, can bring clarity in so many ways.

This comes easier to some than others. No matter whether you believe you are a good writer or not, I’d invite you to spend a few minutes every day, in writing down whatever comes up for you. It helps to empty out all in your heart and head, so that you have space for more…because there will be more.

It’s amazing the clarity that both of these simple tools can bring us if we are intentional about practicing them. Practice may not may perfect, but it does make a difference. I know I’ll be giving myself permission more often to breathe more deeply, and write out my thoughts and emotions to be more clear on my next best step…I hope you will join me.

Remember, give yourself space and grace as you need on your journey in this thing called life. You matter, you are enough, and you have beautiful gifts and talents to bring to the world. Do it afraid!

In Kindness Always,



EP1: Welcome to Culture is an Inside Job