Dreaming, Believing, Becoming Event Recap + Gratitude

I wanted to pour out some love and gratitude as I look back on the rollercoaster of the last few weeks. Life, right? It's a wild mix of joy, grief, and chaos, and somehow, it all swirls together into this beautiful mess. I hope you remember - you’re uniquely qualified for the challenges that life sends your way and you don’t need to your fight battles and forge ahead alone.

January 20th was such powerful day at the Dreaming, Believing, Becoming Women's Event! Honestly, my heart could burst just thinking about it. I’m so so grateful for my inspiring collaborators, Lisa Moser & Rachel Bane, and the 36 incredible women who showed up—their courage and vulnerability was amazing to witness! Seeing women feel safe and comfortable to open up, share their stories, and just connect with each other was everything. Building this community has been on my heart for so long and to receive the trust and support of this community of women is such an honor.

Right after the event, I did a little escape with my Momma to Hawaii, giving myself some much-needed Space & Grace. Letting go of guilt, being present, and soaking in the moment—it was like hitting a reset button. This oasis was so needed. Sadly, the week leading up to our departure, my Mom lost her dear brother, adding a layer of grief to the mix for us both. But amidst it all, my Mom still found a way to join me on our getaway—grief, joy, and chaos all playing their part. What a gift!

Thankful doesn't even cut it.

I know we can't always get on a plane and fly off to our oasis (although maybe we'd like to...especially this time of year), but we can all refine, create and discover those special places that help us to pause, take a breath and recharge.  Trust me, you're worth it!

- Wendy Roop


EP15: Navigating Leadership Transitions: Scott McGohan’s Journey


EP1: Welcome to Culture is an Inside Job