March Retreat Recap

On March 23rd, I had the opportunity to host 11 beautiful women at my Space & Grace Retreat, along with my friend Pam Cho.  As always, the day was divinely orchestrated exactly the way it was meant to be.

We had a day of shining more awareness on who we are and how we show up in the world. We reflected inwardly and with each other - reminding ourselves that we aren't in this thing called life, alone.

The outdoor experience Pam shared with us, helped to allow us to open all of our senses and to be present. I'm always so pleasantly surprised how these women are willing to open up and to be vulnerable. Not only for and with each other, but for themselves.

One of my favorite parts of holding this type of space for people, is watching and hearing the “aha” moments happen. The moments of realizing how things are AND how things can be different when we give ourselves the care and compassion and care we all deserve.

These retreats are just as helpful and important for me as they are for others. Being reminded that life is a journey, not a destination and that I have the ability to reconnect to the TRUTH of who I am when I give myself space to pause and look at myself through the lens of grace. My hope is that every woman leaving these retreats gets closer to their truth too.

Thank you again to the wonderful ladies who made this day unforgettable - my heart is so full!

- Wendy Roop


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